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Friday, 6 February 2015

The Spitfires Stand Down/Career Opportunities

Punchy, powerful and progressive are three words which I'd use to describe the newest single from Watford based Mod quartet the Spitfires. I've followed this band since their beginnings and one thing which strikes me about front-man Billy Sullivan is like his older counterpart Paul Weller: he too is a changing man. This band have been pigeonholed more times than I've been called Liam Gallagher when walking through the streets of Teesside, coined a 'Mod Band' by many who clearly don't realise they are much more than that!

'Stand Down' is certainly a tune to be heard, it echoes the great bands that have gone before the Spitfires whilst moving forward with a new sound and shouts truths about the society and times we know to be 2015. This song speaks volumes about the world we live in and really does show the variety of sound the Spitfires have to offer! With smooth keyboard complimenting the clashing guitars Stand Down breaks down everything the Spits have produced before, giving them a  really individual, defining sound. Lyrically this is Sullivan at the best I've ever heard him, "Get a degree but you'll never need it!" superb that one, speaks the truth about our society and how even with a degree in some cases you're going nowhere man! "Spend a lifetime ignoring the fashion" links with young Modernists everywhere, ignoring the shite available today, and sticking to your guns. This lyric reminds me of my coming of age and how my Desert Trek would get called 'Pixie Boots!' by the army of chavs at school on a regular basis! Quality! "Get a job and fight to keep it" reminds us of the harsh kick in the teeth reality of Britain today and how jobs are minimal and even when you have one they are trying to take it from you! "This is the future you can see, even though it looks like the past to me" fucking superb and spot on Billy, even though its 2015 it may as well be 1983 we've gone back over with the way things are going and our poncy, deluded government don't make any positive changes. Enough about politics anyway I could talk for hours about that shite! This is a song you must own, from start to finish it gives you the feeling you can go on and start a revolution! The Spitfires for me epitomise everything that good music should be and they don't dress badly either! Stand Down and listen to the Spitfires! A song which will convert anyone who hasn't heard the Spitfires yet, where have you been? Get it 02.03.15 available on download and 7".  

The B-side 'Career Opportunities' a cover of The Clash classic, but it's by far a cover. The Spitfires bring their own infectious energy and passion to this tune, adding slight lyric tweaks which make it even more unique. Fast and pacy and straight to the point this song does what it says on the cover. Career Opportunities is the perfect companion to a rousing, powerful original. I've seen the Spitfires live around three times and they cover songs brilliantly. I've heard them cover 'A' bomb in Wardour Street', 'Nite Club' by the Specials and 'Career Opportunities' which was in fact dedicated to me, all three had something soulful and unique about them that almost made them sound like originals. For Career Opportunities this is no exception and it drives the single to a quick powerful halt. The Spitfires. A band who like many aren't afraid to go and tell it like it is, whilst dressing well and providing their audiences with that infectious, punching energy which made so many bands like The Jam become legends! The Spitfires, so much more than just a Mod Band! With their debut LP nearly complete, support slots for The Specials and Paul Weller, the momentum is building. Get sussed, listen to the Spitfires!


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In loving memory of Denise Pottinger