LF: We can't wait for the Boro gig. This will be our third time. The reception has been brilliant each time, the last one at Twisterella Festival, through word of mouth, grew more from the first one so hopefully this will be even better. We love the fact that people have the passion for unsigned music and make the effort. You don't get that in many other cities these days. Middlesborough is becoming a city we look forward to and get a warm welcome. Definitely made some good friends from playing up there too.
DP: The Tapestry are gaining momentum fast, and are being talked about by many, are you and the band feeling this from the crowd?
LF: Yeah definitely, there'd be a time with just mates and the odd pissed up weirdo who'd stumbled in off the street having it at the gigs. Recently though it's been madness and growing all the time. We just had our single launch in Manchester and sold out Band On The a Wall which is a top prestigious venue. Looking around the room, everyone knew all the words to the songs and were going crazy.
DP: Your latest single Infatuation/Look Out received a great response were they good tunes to record?
LF: Both were great to record, did them in Salford with a French producer called Christophe who was ace. The tracks got mastered at Abbey Road too, so in some very good company!
DP: What’s in store for the Taps this year?
LF: We've got a mini tour supporting the single, Stoke, more in Manchester, Middlesbrough, London shows, and hopefully some festivals in the summer. We've got more recording to finish too and
probably some sort of release later in the year.
probably some sort of release later in the year.
DP: With both male and female members in the band does this change the dynamic, let’s say from having a band of just four lads?
LF: Having two girls makes a difference. Takes us away from all that 'ladrock' bullshit for a start. I love the fact we are 2 girls and 2 lads... adds much more to our music and ultimately what we represent too. They're the backbone of the band. Being the rhythm section...
And we are a lot more organised! Haha! Which is better, as we're managing ourselves, putting out our own releases etc.
Other than that Katy and Zara are more Rock and Roll than most the lads playing in bands anyway! On stage and off!
DP: Yourself and the band have a good look; would you say image is important when in a band?
LF: Of course any band who says not is lying. All my favourite bands and musicians ultimately look great too, it almost completes the package... whether that be The Beatles, The Clash or Bob Dylan. Even Kurt Cobain looked fucking great in ripped jeans and an oversized cardigan!
DP: How would you say your last two gigs in Middlesbrough were received?
LF: I think the first one was on Good Friday so we had a full rugby team in on the piss. That was interesting. Went down well though. And the Twisterella gig was even better, top crowd, everyone enjoyed it, played with some great bands and met a lot of good people!
DP: Can we expect and album at any point in the near future?
LF: Hopefully man, just costs a fortune to record and finance ourselves, especially to the standard that we have over the last two singles. Ultimately though we need some backing, either financially or from a label and then the scope to get it heard by as many people as possible. We've got a set full of anthems that need to be given their due and hit their proper potential.
DP: What’s your favourite tune to play live?
LF: Got a new tune called 'connectives'.
I always like playing the new ones best as they are fresh and like seeing people's reactions to them. Other than that probably Take Turns.
DP: You’re headlining the first Into Tomorrow night, how privileged do you and the band feel on a scale of Not arsed to lets tear the fucking roof off?
LF: We're really happy we've been chosen to do the first night. It's humbling, especially given the talent up in Boro we heard at Twisterella Festival.
We can't wait and hopefully will blow the roof off, get them pissed up Rugby boys back in!